As a Fire/EMS professional with the Danville Fire Department, Gary lived his life to save the lives of others. In October of 2011, Gary was forced to put himself first and take the important step towards saving his own life.
Gary and his wife knew they were at the age where it was important to monitor their heart health. They saw an ad for a heart scan at Hendricks Regional Health in the newspaper and decided to get one together.
Little did Gary know, his heart scan was the best $49 he would ever spend. He would soon find out that one simple scan would save his life.
While his wife’s scan was clear, unfortunately Gary’s revealed extensive calcium buildup. He consulted with his family practice physician Dr. Thomas H. Jones and cardiologist Dr. Robert D. Glassman and underwent bypass heart surgery.
Because Gary made the decision to get a heart scan, he avoided a potential heart attack. Today, he lives healthily, continuing to fight fires and save the lives of others in the community.
Knowledge is power. Hendricks Regional Health is committed to providing affordable access to life-saving health screenings. Gary took an important step towards saving his life, and you can, too.
Take care of your heart, be proactive about your health and schedule your scan today.
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