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Maternity and Parenting Support Groups

Hendricks Regional Health is proud to facilitate and host a variety of support groups for new parents. Groups are designed to provide a supportive environment with opportunities to come together for sharing and learning. All meetings are FREE and registration is encouraged at For more information and questions, call 317-718-4585.

Baby Talk Group

Meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 2-3 p.m. in the CBC Classroom. All moms are welcome to join - it's FREE! Becoming a parent comes with lots of changes. Some are exciting and joyful, and some can be stressful and overwhelming. This can leave moms thinking ‘This is not what I expected!’ Baby Talk is a group that meets twice a month to help moms navigate these thoughts and changes with support from each other. Come meet other moms, make new friends, talk about what motherhood is like, ask questions and find out what normal is. Occasionally we will also invite speakers to present on topics that are all about moms, babies and postpartum. For any mom that has delivered in the last year. Register online for more information at


A small group for any parent that is breastfeeding in the first 4 weeks postpartum. It is held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-2 p.m. in the CBC Classroom. Led by a Board-Certified Lactation Consultant for help with the basics of a good latch, milk transfer, and troubleshooting breastfeeding issues. This group is ideal for anyone breastfeeding that wants to check in to make sure things are going ok or if they are having trouble latching, pain, slow weight gain or any other questions. Weighted feedings are available in this group. The group is FREE to attend, but space is limited, register online at