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Videostroboscopy and the Treatment of Voice Disorders

Our voice is central to how we communicate with the world, and a voice problem can be very limited and stressful. It can also impact our ability to complete daily activities. Symptoms of common voice disorders may range from hoarseness or a chronic dry, scratchy throat, a pitch/tone that is not pleasing or uncomfortable, limited ability to speak clearly, or periods of voice loss.

If you become hoarse frequently or notice a change in your voice for an extended period of time, it’s important to talk to your doctor about being evaluated.

About Videostroboscopy
Videostroboscopy is a simple, non-invasive procedure that helps to evaluate and diagnose voice-related disorders and concerns. During the test, your vocal cords are video recorded while you speak. These vocal cord vibrations are reviewed for any abnormal patterns.

The speech language pathologists at Hendricks Regional health can use this specialized test to better understand why you may be having vocal issues. Your doctor, in partnership with your speech therapist, can use the information learned from this test to create the best possible treatment plan for your needs.

What to Expect at Your Appointment
At your appointment, your speech therapist will talk you through every step of the procedure beforehand.

The test begins with a small scope being place in your mouth or nose. A numbing spray may be used if needed to make the insertion of the scope more comfortable. Your speech therapist will ask you to make a variety of sounds, as well as speak as you normally would. Your vocal cords will be displayed on a computer monitor throughout the procedure, which typically lasts no longer than 15 minutes.

After the Test

Your speech therapist will talk with you about your results, showing you various images from the recording to help illustrate this feedback. Together, you will discuss what the results mean. Your doctor will also be involved and will have input into your treatment plan, which may include speech therapy and other approaches.