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Weight Loss Readiness Checklist

  1. Are you here because you want to lose weight?        
  2. Are you ready to make a life-long commitment to healthy, moderate eating habits and regular physical activity?
  3. Are you willing to take the weight off slowly?
  4. Are you trying to become a slimmer version of yourself?
  5. Are you willing to evaluate your attitudes about food, exercise and weight?
  6. Do you have a network of family and friends who will support your efforts to make lifestyle changes?
  7. Will your current circumstances allow you to make behavior change a high priority in your life?
  8. Are you wiling to keep a record of your food intake and physical activity.
  9. Are you willing to be accountable for your food and exercise choices?
  10. Are your ready to target a goal weight that is realistic and healthy for you?
If you answered yes to all of the questions above, you are ready to make a commitment to losing weight. And the Lifesteps® program may be just what you are looking for. Visit our online class calendar to find orientation dates and class schedules, or call (317) 745-3769.