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$49 Heart Scan – Understanding Your Results

What will the results tell me?

The results show if plaque is present in your arteries. You will get a number, which correlates with this scale:



0 No plaque is present. You have a less than a 5 percent chance of having heart disease. Your risk of a heart attack is very low.
Less than 10 Small amount of plaque is present. You have less than 10 percent chance of having heart disease. Your risk of a heart attack is low. However, you may want to quit smoking, eat better and exercise more.
11-100 Plaque is present. You may have mild heart disease. Your chance of having a heart attack is moderate. Talk with your doctor about quitting smoking, eating better, beginning an exercise program, and any other treatment you may need.
101-400 Moderate amount of plaque is present. You may have heart disease and plaque may be blocking an artery. Your chance of having a heart attack is moderate to high. Your health professional may want to do more tests and may start treatment for heart disease; or he or she may start you on aggressive treatment for any risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Over 400 A large amount of plaque is present. You have more than 90% chance that plaque is blocking one of your arteries. Your chance of having a heart attack is high. Your health professional will want to do more tests and start aggressive treatment.

Thinking of getting a Heart Scan?Our Radiology Department offers a $49 Heart Scan to help determine if you are at a high risk of heart attack or heart disease. Once your heart scan results are in, this table of information will help you understand your risk.