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Reviews of the Healthcare Explorers Program


2015-2016 "There were so many people that were excited about what they did and made knew want to get involved too."

2015-2016 "This program helped me to decide that I wanted to be a nurse and eventually a nurse practioner. I was able to decide this due to the wonderful faculty you guys provide us to talk to."

2015-2016 "It was cool to learn about the healthcare field and all the different options I have."

2015-2016 "I really liked learning how to intubate a baby and I got to do it on one of the simulators."

2015-2016 "The best part of the program was how the education and fun was combined, we received the quality information while still having a good time."

2015-2016 "The best part of the program for me was talking to and working with physicians. I enjoyed being able to talk to experts in the different fields to learn what I did or didn't like."

2015-2016 "I liked going to the emergency room and larming what they have to do to be prepared for disasters."

2015-2016 "I really appreciated how friendly and open the staff was to questions and how they offer to help with shadowing and job opportunities."

2015-2016 "I loved getting to go to different parts of the hospital and seeing people show us what they do on a day to day basis."

2014-2015 "I liked receiving a lot of information, having speakers, the college fair, and a lot of hands-on stations."

2014-2015 "I think the best part of the program was when we did group activities. And when we had a q&a with professionals."

2014-2015 "Everything was very nice, and very informative."

2014-2015 "[The best part of the program was] when we got to tour the hospital and see the Emergency Room, and the part where they enter the patients that are in an ambulance."

 "Getting to meet a lot of new people was my favorite thing about this program. It was also very helpful with learning what we need to know about college."

2014-2015 "[The best part of the program was] getting to go around the hospital and see it in real time."

2014-2015 "I enjoyed getting to hear from a wide variety of health care employees."

2014-2015 "Everyone was very nice and easy to talk to. Every time I came I had a lot of fun."

2014-2015 "I liked how I could see what it's like to be in the medical career and it helped me decide what I want to do."

2014-2015 "[The best part of the program was] being able to see all the different types of medical careers. Meeting the people, and actually seeing what goes on."

2015-2016 "My daughter was able to "explore" so many areas of the hospital. She thoroughly enjoyed her job shadowing and learning about different occupations. Great program! Thank you so much."

2015-2016 "Communication was great and a variety of occupations were explored."

2015-2016 "[The best part of the program was] being able to go to each department and learn about what they did."

2014-2015 "I think this is an excellent program. Kids interested in careers in healthcare get to experience what is available. There are so many healthcare careers people are unaware of. The Explorers Post allows a very global perspective of healthcare opportunities and how to best achieve the necessary education."

2014-2015 "The opportunity to job shadow. Dr. Booher was amazing. Really all of it was great! Thanks!"

2014-2015 "Meetings were worthwhile and always new information. Everything was kept on time and well organized."

2014-2015 "Great program and very informative. Fed the kids most meetings which was over and above what we were expecting."

2014-2015 "Being Able To See What Goes On IN The Different occupations at the hospital Helped my daughter narrow down what she might like to do for her career."

2014-2015 "Very informative and expansive."

2014-2015 "My son loved his job shadow day and going to Marian."