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Pelvic Disorders and Incontinence

At Hendricks Regional Health, our therapists are specially trained in treating conditions unique to women. We work with patients to effectively manage pelvic floor disorder, and treat the frustrating and sometimes painful symptoms they can cause.

What Causes This?

Pelvic floor disorders affect nearly one in three women. They become more common with age and can cause pelvic or back pain and incontinence. Pelvic floor dysfunction may trigger feelings of pressure or fullness in the pelvis, or problems with urination and bowel movements. A woman’s pelvic floor disorder may have been caused by a normal pregnancy and delivery, or from other factors like medications, chronic constipation, trauma or an abdominal or pelvic surgery.

How Treatment Works

Treatment for pelvic floor disorders and incontinence is provided at our Danville and Avon campuses. Our therapists begin the treatment process by talking with each patient about their medical history. Sometimes patients begin keeping a journal of their symptoms and how often they are experiencing them. Then they build a tailored treatment plan, which may include behavioral modification and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor area.

Larissa's Physical Therapy Experience

Biofeedback is another important tool our therapists use to help treat pelvic floor disorders. Our staff uses biofeedback to help patients "retrain" their pelvic floor muscles. During retraining, patients learn to coordinate abdominal muscles with their pelvic floor muscles and, if indicated, will also learn proper relaxation of the affected muscles. Retraining is very effective in improving symptoms like urinary incontinence.

Hendricks Regional Health is a multiple-speciality hospital with services in orthopedic surgery and sports medicine. A physician referral is not required to request physical therapy. Call (317) 495-9995 to schedule your evaluation.

Read Larissa's Story »


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(317) 495-9995