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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer at Hendricks Regional Health

Do you realize that volunteering impacts you, as well as those you are helping? It's true! People volunteer to feel connected with their community and to give back; some are retired or are stay-at-home parents and would like the interaction; and there are others who are learning new skills to help them in the workforce or to simply gain experience for their resumé or college entrance. Whatever the reason, you still get more from volunteering than you would expect.

Periodic in-service training, workshops and orientation will improve your skills and keep you up-to-date on general hospital procedures. Your contribution to Hendricks Regional Health's overall success is valued and appreciated each day. Your achievements will be recognized during National Volunteer Recognition Week.


Other benefits include a free flu shot and Rubella screening. In addition, volunteers receive a $6.00 credit towards a meal during their shift.


  • Mail Delivery/Department Runner - Morning and afternoon pick-up and delivery of interoffice mail to various departments. Time commitment is about six hours once a week.
  • Gift Shop - Assist with stocking items, helping customers, operating a cash register and straightening merchandise. General time commitment is once a week for four hours.
  • Public Interaction- Greet visitors, patient family members and friends entering the hospital. Duties include giving directions and assisting patients and family members as they begin the registration process. Time commitment depends on the specific assignment.

While volunteering at Hendricks Regional Health, your help is two-fold. Your time directly benefits our nonprofit hospital and the community it serves in addition to educational endeavors and scholarships awarded to individuals pursuing a health-related career. We welcome those aged 16 and up to apply for volunteer opportunities. 

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